Professor of early modern British history and literature in the English department of the University of Paris Nanterre (also known as Paris X Nanterre).

I am currently Director of the Presses Universitaires of Paris Nanterre, and was formerly Secretary of the French Shakespeare Society and General Editor of ANGLES, a refereed journal published by the SAES.

At Nanterre, I teach courses on early-modern history and literature (particularly Shakespeare) at both undergraduate and graduate level, and serve as Deputy director of the Centre de Recherches Anglophones (CREA) and Director of our distance-learning M.A.

Current research projects are listed in the research, papers and talks pages.

Time allowing, I am a translator and interpreter, a freelance web designer, and I contribute to a number of open-source projects. As a firm believer in the virtues of sharing/open knowledge, you will find on this website a brief guide to electronic tools for the Humanities, as well as a few links.

Panel 1


[en] Areas of Research/Interest:

  • Interpretation of violence in Shakespeare’s England (poetics, history, religion and politics);
  • Links between gender/genre and performance in drama (from the early modern era to the 21st c.);
  • Material and cultural history of early modern Britain;
  • Divination and prophecy (from Antiquity to the 17th c.) (hermeneutics, plurilinguism) (see phd);
  • Religious quarrels in the Renaissance;
  • Language (with particular emphasis on rhetoric), translation and politics.

I am currently working on the relationship between female kingship and violence in early modern drama.

[fr] Domaines de recherche/d’intérêt:

  • Interprétations de la violence dans le monde de Shakespeare (poétique, histoire, religion et politique) ;
  • Le(s) genre(s) et la ‘performance’ au théâtre (du XVIe au XXIe s.) ;
  • Histoire matérielle et culturelle des Îles britanniques (XVIe-XVIIIe s.) ;
  • Divination et prophétie (Antiquité-XVIIe s.) (herméneutique, plurilinguisme) (voir thèse) ;
  • Langue (en particulier la rhétorique), traduction et politique ;
  • Les querelles religieuses à la Renaissance.

Je travaille actuellement sur les liens entre la royauté au féminin et la violence dans le théâtre de la première modernité.


See papers & talks.

Continue reading “Research”
Panel 2


Core teaching fields / Domaines de recherche et d’enseignement


  • Early modern literature (16-18th c.), especially Shakespeare
  • Early modern history and culture
  • Rhetoric and composition; methodology
  • Translation studies, digital tools for the humanities


  • Littérature de la première modernité (XVIe au XVIIIe s.), notamment Shakespeare
  • Histoire et culture de la première modernité
  • Rhétorique et méthodologie
  • Traduction, outils numérique pour les humanités

Teaching / Enseignement 2024/2025

1er semestre

2e semestre

  • [M1] Atelier : la traduction collaborative
  • [M2] Méthodologie appliquée (à distance)
Continue reading “Teaching”
Panel 3 Placeholder
Panel 4 Placeholder